Foot/Leg Issues Covered By Medicare

As we get older, health issues tend to crop up. We may be plagued by leg and foot problems that make it hard to walk and move around. Plantar fasciitis, bunions, and varicose veins are bothersome health concerns that can cause a lot of pain.
While it’s important to get prompt medical care to prevent these issues from worsening, sometimes finances are a concern. The good news is that Medicare can cover many foot and leg issues as long as the treatment is medically necessary.
Medicare Part B covers foot exams and treatment by podiatrists if you have diabetes-related nerve damage. It will also cover medically necessary treatment for foot injuries or diseases such as bunion deformities, hammer toe, and heel spurs. However, you will be on the hook for paying deductibles and co-pays. After meeting the Part B deductible, you pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for medically necessary treatment. For hospital outpatient services, you will need to pay a co-pay for medically necessary treatment.
However, not everything may be covered. Your doctor may recommend services not covered by Medicare. If this happens, you may have to pay at least a portion of the costs. If you are concerned about finances, ask questions so you understand the costs ahead of time.
Medicare Coverage for Bunion Surgery
Bunions are painful bumps that can form at the base of the big toe joint. They can be removed surgically, but the cost can range from $3,000 to $12,000. Medicare Part B can pay for 80% of the cost. A Medicare Advantage plan can provide some degree of coverage as well. Medicare Part D will pay for any medications.
Medicare Coverage for Varicose Veins
Varicose veins refer to veins that swell and bulge. They are common in the legs and can be painful. Removing them may require surgery or ablation therapy, which can cost as much as $3,000. Laser treatment may cost up to $7,000.
If your doctor says that medical treatment is necessary, Medicare Part B will pay 80% of the costs if the facility where you receive treatment qualifies for Medicare coverage. Medicare Advantage plans may cover some costs. Keep in mind that varicose vein treatment for cosmetic reasons is not covered.
Medicare Coverage for Orthotics
Orthotics can help with mobility. They may include braces for your ankle, knee, or foot, as well as prostheses and custom-fitted shoes or inserts. If deemed medically necessary by a podiatrist, orthotics are considered durable medical equipment, which means 80% of the costs are covered by Medicare Part B. The place where you buy the orthotics must also participate in Medicare. Some Medicare Advantage plans may also provide partial coverage of orthotics.
Speak to a Connecticut Elder Law Attorney Today
Medicare can cover foot and leg problems as well as a variety of other health issues. Don’t assume you don’t have coverage.
Discuss your situation with a Connecticut elder law attorney from The Law Office of Brian S. Karpe. We’ll help manage your medical needs and assist you in meeting your long-term goals. To schedule a free consultation, email or call us at 860-217-1458.